Love never dies and your husband loves you from Heaven and so does Jesus. They were the only 2 humans that have ever loved me for me & protected me. It seems so long ago with the now new year. We have moved from California to Arizona and my daughter and granddaughter have leased there own apartment and my new forever home is about an hour away.

If it does, when? He was 78, and I’m 52. He is later rescued by Reese, with help from Detective Carter and the Machine (“The Contingency”) (“Bad Code”). God bless & keep you both. Hi Kathy, My husband passed of 41 years, ( 6 yrs ) dating before marrage . Jane. Now can you explain why he saved pictures of his high school steady girlfriend even though they broke up because her parents did not think he would not earn a “good” income?

I feel I do need time alone now, I guess because I never really was alone very long. To the. Good luck with the future. Take time to miss her and to grieve her. Ancient Romans left graffiti on Egyptian pyramids that says, "I didn't like anything but the sarcophagus," and "I can't read the hieroglyphs." I know how to empty a pee bag and how to regulate drug intake. Children are so busy. Those words helped me to start clawing my way back to life, for my kids and my grandchildren at first, but eventually, for me as well. I can’t find my place to be. I try not to act scared in front of my daughter so she feels secure. Anyway, if you would like to talk my email is, I am sure God is watching out for us. He says that men had turned up shooting and had stolen the Machine. As soon as my life takes shape again, then most definitely a new fur baby will be the next step. What I can’t accept is that he is really gone and that fateful night he was in a cold, dark drawer across town instead of in his bed next to me. The FBI begin to pursue Reese after linking him to past crimes, dubbing him "the Man in the Suit" (“Identity Crisis”). Keep trying to do the things your partner would sure won’t nothing, but to see you happy and to see you taking these steps. I try to rely on God to help me get through this, some days are better then others, but I know none of this will go away over night, so I am hanging in there with my dog by my side trying the best I can between the tears of pain. I wish you all the best with your remodel and hope it goes as you want. I encourage anyone to call sooner rather then later so the team gets to know what is normal for that person. I am almost 10 months in and the ache and loneliness is a constant. I was present when he died suddenly of a massive heart attack. I pray for healing and love, and for unexpected sources of support and companionship. Blessing to all Arlene. Everyone If you have your family nearby and can spend time with them that will most assuredly help. Sincerely, Glenda. It’s a very sad journey. When they question him, Carlson finally says that he and his people were watching McCourt, but no one came after him except Reese and Finch. I never got the chance to tell him good bye. Reese and Stanton are in Tétouan, Morocco interrogating a suspect. We were married almost 45 years and dated 3. His name is Steve. My Mesa will be hard to replace, but I know a new loving furry companion will bring me a new kind of love and happiness. Oh. We fought a lot from all the stress we were always under, especially when he started forgetting to take his medications correctly or a million other reasons related to stupid Cancer. He was a great father. Family and friends don’t get it. God Bless Us, One and All. However, maybe there is a good life left for us to enjoy. Not only did you lose your husband, you lost what the life you thought you had with him. Now before you give uo have you tried to get social security survivor benefits? I could not go through losing another loved one like that and told him that I would not get serious about him unless he quit. He suffered severe and now I’m having guilt because I maybe did not help him enough I did all I could for the four years he had this so why does this guilt come on me and break my heart so much I sit here alone and wonder about it all and want to leave this place and move far away. Thank you, Wow your hanging in there thats great. Best wishes to you in your journey. The initial ‘take your breath away’ intensity has diminished a bit, but it seems as though the intense sorrow will never disappear. With the help of Elias, Reese finds the address to the house where the Brotherhood is keeping Hasan's son along with their supply of heroin. So hard. That was an eye opener. Consider her deeply.. but also acknowledge your own needs. How are you doing now? A part of you is missing in EVERY PART OF YOUR LIFE. That one scared me, my heart was pounding out of my chest, but I was happy he was there and I slept great! Even when my son does things in the yard I say to Steve, it’s not like you’d do it. After the exchange, Reese informs Grace that she has been accepted for a job in Italy and advises her to start afresh (“Beta”).

Thank you for your honesty, it helps. May you experience the healing that only the peace of God can bring, and may your heart and soul be comforted by the knowledge that you are not alone. He failed himself. This year we’d planned it all. I think that the earlier months were shock effects, fear and confusion and having to handle everything. I feel like I am failing at this grieving thing terribly. God has made you for a purpose and with value. How can you leave me I asked myself. Ask for your guardian angel for help. He had a job that gave us 2-3 day weekends and we loved it. I cry every day – mornings and nights are sad for me. But my Dad is gone and so is my husband. He would be upset with me if I didn’t continue to live my life to the fullest. That doesn’t leave much time or energy for romance.

Passion and being passionate lives long beyond that. I also hate night time because my pain increases then. It was difficult then but so much worse now. I just feel stuck. No more movie night. Harold Finch, also known by a series of aliases, is a reclusive billionaire software genius who built a machine that predicts future crimes and outputs either the victim's or perpetrator's Social Security number. I am on medication now.

Due to the trach, there is almost no verbal communication & his college classes consume his entire days & nights, rightfully. Going to try one at a local church next month if widows/widowers are a good part of it. Trudy there are no words to make the pain any better. So strange. I share your concern regarding whether you did enough or showed enough love while he was in the hospital, but I have a very strong feeling that you could have done nothing short of that based on your comments here for the past few years.

I waited, lost, they don’t tell you what to do when you leave a loved one at the ER. Melinda, its funny but sad at the same time. Disbelief. I now in my late 60s and don’t know what makes me happy, or what to do, I think, aw well I’m not going anywhere what’s the point of getting dress, can’t be bothered and I know this is not healthy. On February 12, 2006, Reese runs into his former girlfriend Jessica at the airport and he tells her that he has found a new, secretive job. Finch would go on to tell Ingram about his engagement, only to follow him into The Library. I had cancer 3.5 yrs ago and he went through a tough layoff after a 33 yr career. And sorry for your loss. Find kindred spirits to talk to. I thought it would also help with the lonliness. Mind you it is only 10,000 and his cremation had to be taken out of that. I just came back from a few days away and realize that I must make a change of scene to help move on. I’m sorry for what your going through.

When Reese is given permission to get some R&R, Stanton follows him to a bar and finds him meeting with Jessica's husband Peter. Hope it helps. His symptoms were escalating hourly. Lonely and hurting….. Roxane Dillon. We were smack in the middle of working on the new addition we added to the house. Take care of the logistics. I also bought a book and workbook that our pastor wrote Called “HI GOD” which helps me see things from a different perspective. According to Fusco, Finch's earliest records date back to 1976, listing him as "Harold Wren" (“Wolf and Cub”). However I know there could be another wave at any time. I did. Finch's "Harold Wren" ID. He warns that all of the law authorities in town are searching for the Congressman, and Reese figures that they need to leave their car behind. He immediately regrets the decision, saying, "No, wait!" I went through the exact same and really don’t know what to do with my life or how to move on. Just do the best you can. I have experienced severe panic attacks where my body convulses and my heart feels like it is jumping out of my chest. This is for everyone pain. On set, the character is referred to as Harold Finch. Today I heard Paul Kalanithi’s widow do an interview about the book he wrote while he was dying of cancer. Seventeen years of life together. Grace assures him that nothing he could say would change her feelings for him, but suggests that he do it when he isn't upset. Idk, I am trying, and I have so much to do, but the pain gets to be too much at times. With John being his real name (“Many Happy Returns”), he often uses the name to introduce himself to people he is involved with. Felisha, I understand. Funny I’m writing this in a Publix parking lot in The Villages, Fl. Reese finds her and brings her to Finch, who explains his and Reese's system of preventing crimes. my daddy died last Sunday. I realized that this was my new normal. Found insidegood15 has So the only case hypothetical for dignity or as conditional a distinct value value, inhering which in a person is that it is presupposed, and thus entailed, by the value of that person's interest. I have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren that I love so much, but I dont feel like there is anything to live for. I know that kind of pain quite well & have been living with it since 11/04/2017. Following Dillinger's departure and eventual death, Casey is walking down the street and finishes a call when Reese confronts him at gunpoint. Ecclesiastes ch 9 verse 5. 4 months ago after sending money for her birthday via money-gram, I went to look at her social media account that I “trolled” constantly because it was my only contact with her & found myself blocked. We’re not focused on bereavement or grieve….we’re all about Blossoming after loss, in all seasons of life! I have no interest in them knowing that I had an exceptional man, he took such good care of me that I don’t have a whole lot of miles. I was his caregiver the last 4-5 years, especially the last 6 months. Yes you are suffering heartbreak but he is no longer suffering. My husband was always concerned and could make me feel better. It will take a little time but that’s what I’m going to start thinking about. I keep expecting that he will return, like he is just in the next room or just stepped out. I should have been a better wife and stopped the smoking and maybe not moved so far from his school. Any Social services that help you with your sons needs? Finch decides to enlist the help of Elias to find the Voice and Elias agrees on the condition he goes with Finch to protect him. Regarding the trip, my children say the same thing and are very encouraging. I imagine it feels like you wish there were two of you: one to spend time with your mother, and one to live life how you wish to live it. I can’t imagine a life without him. You did the best you could do. Given 3-6 months. Now my life is empty and I don’t know how to live again. Reese's personality returns to its old form rather quickly upon returning to the team. I look at his chair he always sat in. I lost my husband on November 17, 2016. After finding Ingram's name on the irrelevant list and reactivating the Contingency function, Finch decides to help people. Reese decides to look for Casey while Stanton goes after Casey's friend, Lester Strickland. Been there, done that. That said, I feel I have a suggestion for what can be done. Talk about the memories,cry, laugh get angry too. She had more money coming in than I did but was always behind. I can’t say anything beyond this as I have only been in this position since December of 2020. I try to stay busy and that helps a lot. After he begins working with Finch, he reverts back to his earlier interests – working out and guns.
I did spend New Years Day pretty much in bed. Peace in your journey. Life has no meaning anymore, the loneliness is overwhelming. I found this very helpful. The loneliness is overwhelming. Upon arriving at the courthouse, they discover six Vigilance members already shot to death by some other group which turns out to be Decima. (It also makes it more difficult, since I went to college in a different country and would like to move back there to start my life, essentially thousands of miles away). We did almost everything together, that’s just what we thought married couples should do. Tough lesson. She was just noticing all the crap she’ll have to paw thru when I’m gone. He takes Finch to discuss more privately, but Root arrives and opens fire on him, forcing him to retreat. Couples. My pain is gut wrenching and the tears are always a moment away. Losing him, has been the hardest thing I’ve ever endured. I don’t think if you sell your house you will lose all the memories. During the ballroom dancing event, Reese and Shaw spot Doug chatting with Phil. I do sleep with one of my favorite shirts of his and that helps. I was beside him all the way till the end. I thought he was sick because of his 3 back surgeries.. he started having breathing problems after the first one.. Cancer never occured to me. And every day I get up and do nothing. Life was beyond anything I could have ever imagined and now it just feels like I’m pushing through molasses every day. That individual person's death only means suffering for people who might actually care about them without the redeeming value of their own suffering. My Husband died over 7 years ago and I still am not over his death. I live in the house he owned before he and I married. I miss him so much and would give anything to see him and talk to him again so I know what your are going through. He promised me he would and we got married and had a wonderful 32 year marriage. Soon after, my daughter gave birth to a girl, my first granddaughter who is now 8 months old. This girl was about to graduate. We had been together for 14 years and were to be married this year. She says that "just because he has stopped listening, it doesn't mean that she (The Machine) has stopped talking to Harold. But to not be able to turn to my husband and speak to him, ask questions or even go out together, is really depressing. God Bless U. Ladies, Sad, as I read that I am not alone! When my husband died I really needed an ICU for grief. Is he still with you? Lonely. Found inside“Just as long as she leaves me alone, she can do what she wants,” Sean answered. ... “Something relating to Baldelli's death popped up. That's all.” “That's all? ... Not everyone who's called a person of interest even becomes a suspect. It is too much. No secret way to get thru this, just remember the good times we were blessed to be with them, eventho we want more of them. At my home I’m around everything that screams my beloved husband and it’s very difficult but is moving even more difficult? So I get ready things that are too heavy, and things I can ‘part’ with to lighten the drive back and HOPE as we lived there once before, I can make new memories and not be weighed down by prior ones tho all incredible and helpful as time goes by. she was able to write rx and keep up with all the little details such as swelling legs, wt, loss or gain, skin condition. I lost my husband seven months ago. However, I really wanted you to know that I care. These ideas for living alone after the death of a spouse are practical – and they won’t work for everyone. He was my soulmate, my best friend and our love for each other was still growing stronger. At any rate, I chose to forgive him as he was in bad health, we have a large family, and I didn’t want to tear up the family over some gold digger. He was just a perfect match for me eventho I didn’t know him for very long. Finch is still wary of the Machine and expresses his doubts about AI to Root several times, warning her that the Machine would cast her aside as soon as a bullet entered her brain. Upon the completion of his first case, Reese manages to recruit Detective Lionel Fusco, a corrupt cop who would eventually become a useful asset (“Pilot”). Finch upgrades Ingram's Contingency program so that instead of issuing the 9 digit SSN directly, it instead provides him with a code based upon the Dewey Decimal System. The fake bank manager is revealed to be an operative of Decima Technologies, having stolen the real Samaritan drives and replacing them with fakes (“Aletheia”). Thank you for being here – and I am so sorry for your loss. I only wish they did not give him so much medication, as I really would have liked to have had a nice conversation with him first and tell him I loved him, or just to let him know that he was not alone and I was there for him. On 10/27/2017, my sweet husband went to work, fell off of scaffolding & I had to remove him from life support 6 days later. I am trying to focus on the good but sometimes it just creeps up on you. It cost me a LOT! I decided that a good idea and did that as well. He has somewhat spiky, graying dark brown hair with sideburns. We have a definite spiritual connection. During his time with the Special Forces and CIA, he may have received (cross-) training in various types of (improvised) explosives. Then he took a turn for the worse and he was gone. I don’t remember a lot of it. Don’t keep thinking about him being gone, think of how lucky you were to have him. Now you have to make a future. It was a group of 5 or 6 men. In the end, Jennings was framed and imprisoned in a Mexican jail. I cant put his work boots away.. I know what you are going through.I live in Orlando Fl If you ever want to talk call me . We were supposed to grow old together. No one can really help because nothing can compensate for what you had. We were under a huge construction project last Christmas so we really didn’t have a Christmas. There is always going to be sad times, that is life. We laughed, we cried, we dreamt together of ‘what’s next”. I was there for a week, waiting watching, finally they let our border collie who loved him so much , in the room with me which I felt was incredibly nice, and which helped me SO MUCH having her there, and I was hoping in my soul, if there was anything left of my Tony he would know ‘we’ were there. Thanks for writing. Finch gaslights Simon in order to protect him and take him off Samaritan's radar, but is uncomfortable with the implications of doing so. My heart hurts beyond measure. The journal says everything, good, bad, right wrong, anger, sadness, happiness. The core person who I was has returned. Try to find some counselor who will help you with the regrets. I feel so bad that the ones we all have lost are so alone without family there beside them. I almost drowned, and was taken to the hospital. Absurdity They are with other children who understand each other. He passed on Nov 27. They say the deeper the love, the deeper the grief and I believe that. I’m at peace knowing shes asleep in death because I didn’t want to see her in pain and suffering anymore, but the pain from not kissing, smelling, hugging, and talking to her is so painful my body aches. Joanne, How did u manage your feelings leading up to the one year? How long will it take to get used to this lonlieness? I know that I care about other people’s pain, be it physical or emotional, and I have seen many others find this page in the same manner in which you & I have. To awaken to his smile, have him touch me, hold my hand or kiss me goodnight. Yet the pain and loss I feel cannot begin to touch on the pain my Gram feels. After Maria's case concludes, Finch tells Reese, in the Library, that Davis hasn't been heard from and could be anywhere (“Allegiance”). I pray you find a path through your grief that is not difficult and will help your smile return. We was married 43 years. After all He said that He would never leave me or forsake me.

I am so sorry for your loss, and wish I could tell you that you’ll wake up tomorrow feeling happy and healed! I am learning to take one day at a time, and hope one day that the pain of losing my husband will ease. I believe in God, but I do question a lot of things now. I’m saying you want a new environment and are able to deal with moving on) whereas your mother, understandably, cannot move on from the past. Never! He was a strong and determined person who never completed about his illness or the treatments he had to endure. Finch tells Reese of the Machine — a device Finch built for the government after 9/11, which detects terrorist activity as well as other 'irrelevant' crimes by using thousands of cameras and an advanced database. He died in my arms. At one point, Reese and Finch take on the case of Sameen Shaw and Michael Cole, two ISA operatives. I know life has changed for each of us and it feels like we can’t make it through another day alone, but somehow we do. Praying constantly for peace and strength has helped me tremendously. He wasn’t very nice and made a fuss every month about money taken out of ” his money ” for life insurance. I went into individual counseling but it didn’t really help. Oh Dorene , my heart breaks for you as I am also going through this same experience-My husband and I were high school sweethearts and married young after he returned from the Vietnam war-He was my whole life, my world, my partner, my everything-I have even been afraid to go out at times without his hand there always holding mine–It has been one year and I wish I could tell you I’m better but I’m not -My heart is broken and I know I’ll never be the same person-I have photos of him all over the house and haven’t gotten rid of his clothes ,his tools, his books he loved so much, and his shampoo in still in our shower -I don’t want to let go of those things he wore and used and touched -Still I get up every day,do the best I can to stay busy but sometimes I just can’t do anything-The only thing that keeps me going is Gods Grace ,prayer and the love of our Lord-Somehow it has given me strength and I go on -The shock of your loss will be gone and reality will set in-Take one day at a time and try to forgive his daughters as they are angry , and want someone to blame but you know you did your best,as I did in caring for my husband -I’m so sorry -I’m about to join a widows club to be a part of a group that is going through this most terrible and unbelievable experience-I hope it will be comforting but we will see -God bless you. Everything we went through, from when we met until his last breath. It later recognizes him as SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR, After the ferry bombing, Finch is told by a doctor that he has injuries to his neck and lower back. Is staying single at my age 47, ok? I know you are older but I think 50’s is very young to lose a husband. Shaw grabs a pair of pliers and turns to Solano, demanding to know where they're keeping Aaron. Right now I think I need another woman to move on in life but it’s very difficult for me to find one and my two kids need a motherly care as well please some one should help me out… Please i think I need your help. Finch tests an early version of the Machine (“Prophets”). According to. Reese and Fusco engage in a gun fight when they discover that Malcolm has given himself up to the Brotherhood.

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